Jacksonville Cosmetic Surgery Services by Dr. Duffy

Jacksonville Cosmetic SurgeryWelcome to Jacksonville Cosmetic Surgery by Duffy’s face and neck services page. To answer any questions you have or address specific concerns please contact us to schedule a consultation with Dr. Duffy.





Face Lift (Rhytidectomy)

Extensive face and neck lift procedures are options, as well as minimally invasive approaches involving incisions in front of the ear.

    • Alleviates sagging in the mid-face
    • Smoothes deep creases below the eyelids or along the nose
    • Tightens loose skin and excess fat under the chin and jaw


Neck Lift

Removes excess neck skin through an incision behind the ear. Alternatively, an incision can be made under the chin without any skin removal.

    • Addresses excess skin under the chin and neck
    • Reduces fat under the chin and neck area for a smoother look


Forehead/Eyebrow Lift

Repositions low or sagging eyebrows. Conventional “open” method is possible, as well as an endoscopic lift, which employs smaller incisions.

    • Minimizes creases across the forehead
    • Smoothes wrinkles on the bridge of the nose
    • Improves frown lines


Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

Upper and lower eyelids may be addressed with minimal incisions in the crease of the upper lid, below the eyelashes or hidden inside the lower eyelid.

    • Tightens loose skin above the eyes
    • Invigorates tired-looking eyes and bags underneath
    • Improves appearance of upper and/or lower eyelids


Facial Implants & Chin Surgery

Structural balance is fostered through cheek and lower jaw implants, chin surgery, lip augmentation and/or liposuction to correct a double chin.

    • Creates symmetry by establishing balance and proportion
    • Can be performed alone, or as a complement to other facial contouring procedure