Earlobe Repair & Reconstruction Surgery

Ear Surgery Jacksonville flDisguising torn, split or misshapen earlobes is almost impossible. Even with long hair, the earlobe is a facial feature that defies camouflage. The good news is that these problems can be repaired by one of Jacksonville’s most distinguished board certified plastic surgeons, Dr. Michael Duffy.


The earlobe is composed of tissue that is easily stretched over time. Wearing heavy earrings can cause the hole to be stretched and the earlobe to become elongated. The earlobe can be easily split when the tissue becomes thin, either by the weight of earrings or through trauma when the earring is accidentally ripped out of the lobe.


Earlobe/Ear Gage Repair

In the case of gauge ear piercings, the earlobe is intentionally stretched to accommodate larger and larger “plugs.” Over time, the earlobe will lose elasticity and will not return to the original shape. This can have unintended consequences later in one’s personal or professional life. For people who want to have their earlobes returned to the original shape, surgery will be needed to reconstruct the lobe.


Although this is a simple procedure, the skill level required to properly repair earlobe tissue is actually quite high.


Torn or split earlobes are repaired by carefully exposing fresh tissue on both torn edges and then meticulously suturing the edges so that they mesh together seamlessly without notching. This part of the procedure is exacting and takes time to ensure scarring is kept to a minimum.



In some cases the earlobe has been injured by accident, or is so stretched by large gauge jewelry that reconstruction will be needed. In this case Dr. Duffy will use traditional plastic surgery techniques to reconstruct the lobe. This will involve removing a portion of the stretched earlobe and reconstructing the area by suturing the edges together. Artistic skill plays a big part in a successful reconstruction because often there is little left to work with in earlobes with large gauge holes. However, once the reconstruction is completed, the ear will look very presentable.


Dr. Duffy has helped many people regain their self confidence by repairing a very visible problem. His patients are delighted to find that after their surgery, they never give their earlobes a second thought.


Ears that are out of proportion with other features can cause some people to feel self-conscious. Fortunately, there are options that can help. Otoplasty, or Ear Surgery, can address oversized and prominent ears. Dr. Duffy, our board certified plastic surgeon, performs this procedure on patients who desire ears that sit closer to the head. During your initial consultation, he will go over what bothers you about your ears and develop a customized treatment plan to help achieve your cosmetic goals.


How old should you be for Ear Surgery?

Dr. Duffy will customize the operation to suit each patient, keeping in mind factors like age, cosmetic goals, anatomic characteristics, and more. Dr. Duffy will discuss any other considerations with you during your initial consultation.
What can be achieved with Ear Surgery?


Ear Surgery can provide many benefits, including:
· Enhanced ear shape and proportion
· Improved ear symmetry
· Reduced ear prominence (ears will sit flatter and closer to the head)
· Heightened sense of self-confidence
· Life-long results


What will the scars look like?

Ear Surgery JacksonvilleSeveral techniques can be used to address ear prominence and improve ear shape, and Dr. Duffy will determine which approach is ideal for you. As with all procedures, we will make every effort to keep the scars as well-hidden as possible, with incisions often located in the natural folds behind the ear. While scars may never disappear entirely, most patients report that the marks do not bother them or are unnoticeable. Additionally, your hairstyle may completely conceal incisions, depending on how you wear your hair.


What can I expect during the procedure?

To make the ear sit flatter and closer to the head, a small amount of tissue and cartilage is removed from the back of the ear. A wedge-shaped piece is trimmed and the edges are closed and contoured to achieve the desired outcome. In some cases, the incisions can be placed on the inside of the ear, hidden within the natural folds. The approach used will depend on your unique treatment plan. The type of anesthesia used will also vary depending on the complexity and details of the surgery. Whether local or general anesthesia is used, you should be able to return home the same day as the operation. We will provide the information you need at your initial appointment.