Neck Lift in Jacksonville Florida

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The neck may sag as a result of aging or weight loss, and is often affected before the face. Loose neck muscles can lead to an appearance of bands on the neck or drastic drooping of the skin. A neck lift is a surgical procedure that can smooth and tighten the skin on the neck and provide a more toned and youthful appearance. The results of this procedure offer a drastic improvement to the appearance of the neck and subtle changes to overall appearance. A neck lift may be performed alongside a facelift, or may be performed alone, after which your friends and family may not even realize that a surgical procedure was performed.




jacksonville necklift


How is a neck lift performed?


Neck lift surgery can be performed in a variety of ways:

  1. An incision can be made behind the ear or alternatively in front of and behind the ear, similar to a facelift incision. In this technique, excess neck skin is removed through the incision made behind the ear.
  2. An alternative method involves creating an incision under the chin without removing any skin and without the need for an incision in front of the ear. Release of the neck skin from the underlying muscles allows the skin to contract without skin removal. The platysma muscle (platysmaplasty) is also tightened through the chin incision.
  3. In the elderly, skin is removed directly from under the chin through a zig-zag incision. No incision is therefore made in front of or behind the ear. This reduces the complexity of the procedure.



What results can I expect?


The results of a neck lift procedure are visible almost immediately. Your final results may take several months for all subtle swelling to subside. Because of the minimally invasive approach used at Cleveland Clinic Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Center, scars from this procedure may be small in properly selected patients. Overall results are generally long lasting.
Neck and Face plastic surgery
The neck lift procedure begins with making a small, inconspicuous incision directly below the chin, and in some cases behind the crease of the ears as well. The neck lift includes both a cervicoplasty to remove excess skin and a platysmaplasty to remove or alter muscles in the neck. Liposuction can also be used to remove excess fat during a neck lift. The incisions will then be sutured closed and the neck lift is completed.


Swelling and bruising may last up to ten days after a neck lift, with patients being advised to keep their head still and avoid turning or twisting for the first few days. The sutures will usually be removed after about one week. After a neck lift procedure, most people can return to work and other normal daily activities within two weeks, after bruising and swelling subside. More strenuous activities should be avoided for about four to six weeks.